Libraray Reflection Term 1

As a reader i like to read humor, sports or mysteries. I chose those genres because I find them interesting because they would always hook me in straight away. I could read a choose your own path one as well. I love those type of books because they are different but there are a lot of genres in the books.

A book that I would recommend is Ahndo Weirdo. I recommend this book because he has a different lifestyle in the books and he isn’t like other kids. He is also really funny. His background is Vietnamese and its a cool life style that hooks me in with its humor. As funny as it is it isn’t all funny. There could be a serious situation and that could hook in people that like genres on that topic.

I am currently reading the hatch. It is about a boy and a pilot who are on a helicopter. The captain passes out mid way so the boy has to control the helicopter and land it on its own which is going to be very hard.

What is your favourite genres and why?

by Christopher